The Diocese of Oakland has released the Department of Catholic Schools Annual School Report for each of their schools. They compiled data aligned with the 4 domains of the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Schools to provide an annual summary of school performance.
We are proud of the hard work we have done and report the following information: Mission and Catholic Identity: Catholic schools invite young people to a relationship with Jesus Christ, insert them into the life of the Church and help them see the role of faith in life.
St. Patrick School was granted Highly Effective in the assessment of the school's Catholic Identity; in defining the school's purpose, and in support for student spiritual; personal, and academic growth. Academic Excellence: Catholic schools provide curricular and co-curricular experiences which are academically rigorous, relevant, research-based, and infused with Catholic faith and tradition.
St. Patrick School was granted Highly Effective in organization and support for high achievement of all students toward clearly defined Student Learning Expectations and curriculum standards, and Highly Effective in data analysis and support of high achievement of all students and instructional methodology to support high achievement of all students.
Overall, in Reading Proficiency (72%) St. Patrick School compared higher than the overall Diocese average (62%) and Math proficiency at 80%, was again higher than the other schools in the Diocese of Oakland (68%). By middle school over 90% of students are proficient in state benchmark standards.
Operational Vitality: To support and ensure viability and sustainability, Catholic schools must adopt standards for operational vitality in four key areas: finances, Human resources/personnel, facilities, and institutional advancement.
The school received Highly Effective in resource management and development to support high achievement of all students.
Enrollment has held steady at 402+ students.
The school's annual retained earnings grew by 12% over the past 5 years which are then reinvested in projects to enhance and continually update our campus.
The school maintains 17 months of revenue reserves.
The school has maintained full enrollment over the past 5 years.
The tuition revenue/expenses reflects that 90% of expenses are covered by tuition.
The school's success is due to the unwavering commitment of our leadership team, teachers and staff, community support, and parent partnership. Kelly Stevens M.Ed Principal Saint Patrick School