My name is Ms. Ybarra, and I am so happy to be a part of the St. Patrick community. I grew up in southern California but I am excited to now call the Bay Area my home. i am a life-long Catholic and value my faith and Catholic traditions, especially those embedded in Hispanic culture. I am passionate about the arts and I most recently taught STEAM curriculum to middle schoolers, where I worked with students exploring technology, art, and science.
I am so excited to be working with fourth grade this year and I love the enthusiasm students bring to the classroom on a daily bases. I also love working with students who may need extra support with focus and/or social skills. I know that every child can be successful in the classroom, given the proper support. I can't wait to have you join us in fourth grade!
Language Arts: Wit & Wisdom. Reading Literature, Reading Informational Texts, Writing, Grammar, Speaking, and Listening. Common Core aligned.
Math: Engage New York. Place Value, Metric System, Multiplication, Division, Decimals, Fractions, Angles, Plane Figures. Common Core aligned.
Science: Mystery Science. Human Body, Rock Cycle, Sound Waves, Energy Transfer, Electricity. Next Generation Science Standards aligned.
Social Studies. SAVAAS: My World Interactive. Native Americans, Mission Era, Reconciling California and Mission History through the Catholic Social Teachings in Action, Gold Rush, California Historical Immigration, State Government. Common Core aligned.
Religion: Be My Disciple.Diocese of Oakland Standards aligned.
PE: Five days a week.
Spanish: Two days a week.
Music: Two days a week.
Things to Look Forward To in 4th
+Field trip
+Kindergarten Buddies
+Celebrating our Global Awareness Focus: Hispanic Heritage