Educating the Whole Child:
Mind, Body and Spirit.
♣ Demonstrate knowledge of and actively practice Catholic traditions, beliefs, and morals
♣ Actively contribute to the St. Patrick school family and community
♣ Practice self discipline skills (DWP) that result in self-management teachings
¨ Listening ¨ Cooperation ¨ Following Instructions
¨ Organization ¨ Reason for Rules ¨ Resolving Problems
¨ Leadership ¨ Completing a Task ¨ Initiating Solutions
¨ Sharing ¨ Asking Questions ¨ Fact vs. Feeling
¨ Social Skills ¨ Communication ¨ Making Sacrifices
♣ Facilitate their own learning by setting goals and evaluating progress
♣ Demonstrates age-appropriate mastery of basic curriculum, skills, and concepts
♣ Pursue all aspects of physical fitness and demonstrate positive sportsmanship
♣ Demonstrate an appreciation for the Visual, Dramatic and Musical Arts
♣ Use technology responsibly to enhance the learning experience and increase productivity
♣ Live the Gospel message and
- Promote social justice to improve the life of others
- Recognize the dignity of the human person by treating others with compassion and respect
- Resolve conflicts peacefully
- Share their time and talents with others
- Appreciate creation and act as stewards of the earth
- Demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility in the global community
Character Development
At Saint Patrick School we recognize that character development is of utmost importance. More so than becoming great mathematicians, writers or scientists, we strive to help our students to become people of character. Through our Discipline With Purpose self management program, by striving to achieve our Student Learning Expectations, and as part of our daily Religion curriculum, Saint Patrick School students have daily opportunities to build character.
Our core beliefs are:
Our Character Education program provides six pillars of character and their definitions include:
The ultimate goal is to have the student know the good, love the good, and do the good.