Educating the Whole Child & Building Strong Foundations
I have been on staff at Saint Patrick School since 2003. I have had many different tasks, all of which I have enjoyed. Teaching the art program has been very enjoyable for many reasons. I have always had an interest in art and I absolutely love working with the children at Saint Patrick School, not only are they fun but they are creative. I've always thought a Catholic education supports the family values at home. I have had two of my own children attend Saint Patrick School. My husband and I have always felt that a Catholic education was like paying an insurance premium for the future success of our children. Students and alumni of St. Patrick School, you are our future! You are becoming a responsible citizen and you are going to be awarded stewardship of this great world. Think of all those people who are behind your success, especially your parents for making your Catholic Education possible. Never forget to thank them!
Students will increase their skills in basic art; drawing, painting, sculpting, and designing artwork using a variety of media, recognizing and using the elements of art (line, shape, color, value, form) and the Principels of art (Balance, emphasis, movement, proportion, rhythm, unity, and variety).
Areas of Study:
How do artist's use the elements and principles as tools for artistic expression?
How does artwork reflect an artist’s belief and values?
How can artists call attention to social issues?
How do ideas inherented in artwork provoke, entertain, and challenge the status quo?
What role does art play in ethnic culture?
How do people compare very different artwork?
How do personal experiences influence the way people respond to art?
How might we come to understand an artist’s intent through the analysis of his or her work?
How do artists choose their media?
How are artists influenced by their experiences, emotions, ideas and culture?
How are works that originate from the same time and place similar?
How do historical and cultural contexts influence how art is made and interpreted?
Why do artists create?
How are artists influenced by other artists and ideas?
How do artists work in collaboration?
Why do artists engage in critical response?